
Diapers: Give it a try in Japan!

Have you ever heard about the quality of Japanese diapers? It’s not widely known, but Japanese diapers are of high quality. In this article, I’ll talk about the differences in Japanese diapers. Especially for those traveling with children – this is a must-read!

The Importance of Diapers During Travel

For parents with young children, diapers are essential items. They need to be changed multiple times a day, and missing the right timing can lead to inconvenience or discomfort for the baby. Managing diapers is an important aspect, even during travels. Especially while traveling, there might be situations where you cannot change them for long time for various reasons. This makes diaper quality a crucial point for travelers with children.

The Quality of Japanese Diapers

In fact, Japanese diapers are known for their high quality. Both my wife and I believe so. The absorbency, soft texture, and overall performance surpass many overseas products. Surely, it brings a different level of comfort for the babies. Even among the same brand like Pampers, the Japanese version somehow stands out in terms of quality. A friend working at P&G confirmed this, so it’s almost certain. Perhaps it’s the result of dedicated efforts by companies to cater to Japan’s high standards. I can’t help but wonder why they aren’t sold in other countries.


Additionally, aside from the potential impact of exchange rates, Japanese diapers are quite affordable compared with abroad. They are usually priced around 60-80% of comparable diapers abroad in my opinion. Although not exactly cheap, considering the considerable consumption volume, this price difference can have a notable effect on family budgets.

Give Japanese Diapers a Try!

If you are planning to travel to Japan with young children, be sure to buy and try Japanese diapers! They are relatively easy to find at drugstores, Amazon, and other retailers. On the other hand, be aware that convenience stores may not carry them.

A Side Note

There’s a tale, whether true or not, about a family with a young child packing hundreds of diapers into cardboard boxes before heading overseas for their relocation. Families living abroad for an extended period do worry about these things before departure. (Leaving aside the fact that hundreds would be used up quickly…haha!) Our family had some concerns before our overseas assignment, but managing with overseas diapers was not an issue. However, if given a choice, we’d choose 100% Japanese diapers.


If you’re traveling to Japan with a young child, definitely give Japanese diapers a try!